Implications of the Referendum for Introducing the Object the Fundamentals of Orthodoxy into Pre-University Education

Implications of the Referendum for Introducing the Object the Fundamentals of Orthodoxy into Pre-University Education

Implications of the Referendum for Introducing the Object “Fundamentals of Orthodoxy” into Pre-University Education[EN]
Implicaţiile desfăşurării referendumului pentru introducerea predării obiectului Bazele Ortodoxiei în învăţământul preuniversitar[RO]
Предпосылки проведения референдума по вопросу введения преподавания предмета «Основы православия» в школы[RU]

Implications of the Referendum for Introducing the Object the Fundamentals of Orthodoxy into Pre-University Education

The group for the organization of the referendum was registered in violation of the procedure for the initiation of decision making under Law 239, article 8 (stages of ensuring transparency), article 9 (terms) on the grounds that stakeholders must be notified about the initiation of decision making 15 days before the date of examination and adoption of the decision. Infringement of the procedure of announcement of the meeting of the Central Electoral Commission, which under the Electoral Code article 25 (2) (CEC meetings) must occur 48 hours before the meeting. 

The lack of transparency in decision making has negative effects on the quality of decision making, damages the image of the public authority and deprives stakeholders of the possibility to contribute their advice and opinions on the subject of decision making.

