Reports and studies
Social policies
28.06.2014, ora 8.00
RE: Şedinţa Cabinetului de Miniştri din 28.06.2014.
1.3. Privind nr. 7 cu privire la adoptarea Codului educați...
Comentarii si propuneri la proiectul Codului Educatiei
Proiect: http://particip.gov.md/proiectview.php?l=ro&idd=1242
Propunerile ge...
Grouping and package of services for the children with special educational needs This document has 2 objectives: short account of the international and other jurisdi...
Cu privire la aprobarea Avizului la proiectul de lege pentru modificarea Еџi completarea Legii nr. 131 din 8 iunie 2012 privind controlul de stat asupra activitДѓЕЈ...
Pentru aprobarea proiectului de lege cu privire la locuinte OZ din 07.08.2013 Sustinem de principiu aprobare...
Budget Analysis of Administrative Institutions and Sector Policies in the Social Area, Health, and EducationThe report aims to make a budget analysis of social policies. ...
Strategic Vision of the Social Sector in 2012. The Ministry of Social Protection, Family and ChildUnderstanding the causes and consequences of variation
in wealth distri...
Study on the Media Market and Access to Mass Media in the Left Bank Region of the Republic of Moldova 2011This study contains an analysis of
the media market in the left...
Evaluation of Linguistic Education Policy Options for Bulgarians and Ukrainians in MoldovaBilingual education is the education that is carried
out in two (generically mo...
Parliament Staff: Functional Analysis and Assessment of Institutional CapacitiesFunctional analysis of the Moldovan Parliament staff
and assessment of institutional capa...
Implications of the Referendum for Introducing the Object the Fundamentals of Orthodoxy into Pre-University EducationThe group for the organization of
the referendum was...
Evaluation of Opportunities of Mental Health Programs in MoldovaThe objective of the report is to provide a comprehensive assessment of
the opportunities to initiate and...